Death is guaranteed (Probability of death = 1). So someday even I will vanish. My family members, friends, acquaintances, or people whom I have just known through phone or email, might or will cry. I have seen this happen, is happening and so have the feeling that it will be the same with me too. But I do not want only this or I do not want this at all. I want someone whom I do not know in any way to shed a few tears for me. This should not be because I died a painful death or because of any kind of sympathy. It should be because he/she had something to take from my life: the way I lived.
When the Sun sets. Courtesy - Sivarama Krishnan Iyer (at Majorda Beach, Goa) |
I want to live such a life. I do not think I will have to make sacrifices or compromise on the way I am living or want to, for this to happen. I believe or I have the confidence that this can happen by following my passion, living for it and enjoying it to the best. When I say this you might feel I am selfish, but this is what I want.
Well, having said this, even I know that I can not feel or see what will happen after my death.
So, how do you want to live? You can share your thoughts, if you feel like it :-)